
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sweet Son of Mine

oh You Sweet, Sweet Son of mine
I wish I could keep You Safe within the lines
protect You from all those hateful and unkind
people who manipulate the Truth they want You to find
I will do anything to save you from this curse of mine
natural Gifts we share that help us help others get refined
showing us how much the human race has fallen behind
in their pursuit of happiness that’s become “the grind”
you won’t be a cliché, “keeping your nose to the grindstone”
as long as I’m here upon the earth I’ll break every bone
of your oppressors, haters and every fucking liar
looking for an Energetically, Blessed, Shooting Star
to suck the Energy and Life from You because You are
so much different than any of them who try so hard
to find beautiful Spirits and minds that are so eloquently
living life as You were Intended to live from the beginning
going through miles and piles of shit never pretending
to be something you’re not nor what you’d never, ever be
because you've encountered so many it’s so easy to see
the fake, fraudulent, soulless fucks made from iniquity
no, You won’t, because You can’t pretend You don’t see
all of these people and the things they do too frequently
trying to convince us who know what they want Us to be
it kills them to watch people like us who keep going unaffected
they want, so bad, for any one of us, to become infected
with the ill-will that lives within all of them like the "Walking Dead"
so, for now, my beautiful and intelligent son, just rest your head
mom’s here to handle them so You can develop all your Gifts
You catch on quick, I've no doubt that you’ll be able to lift
the sacks of shit they throw at people like us as we deflect
all their ugliness and animosity making them nervous wrecks
You know, by now, that mom could keep on ranting rhymes
full of all the facts to help You more than the “New York Times”
but I know you've got all you’ll need to keep from going blind
so, for now, I’ll sign off and let You develop within your own time

©December 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Come Dig In

have you ever had one of those days
where it just doesn’t pay
to get out of bed
it’s just better for you to stay
and play like you’re dead
well, I have going on eight years now
but I still have nothing to fear about
because eight is my birth number
so I can sit back today and slumber
that number is good luck for me
it’s the number of times I’ve died you see
I’m still here though so it just may be
that the number eight identifies me
don’t shake your head, you don’t even know me
who are you to tell me, or anyone, how to be
it’s not your place to stage the game or boundaries
I color way outside of the lines, you can’t tame me
oh, yeah, you can try
but don’t you dare come cry
to me when I break the box you built
to use to confine and trap me, still
I have so much love inside some will spill
out and run up over the cup of your will
stop hating and just accept you can’t change me
it would be so much easier on you if you would see
I’m like a tiger, I need more room than you to breathe
if you try to capture my Spirit it will definitely be
the last thing you try to do on this earth, you see
I’ve been giving birth to a whole new era that might be
better or worse than any of us ever dreamed
I guess we’ll just have to sit and wait a while to see
which way the coin lands – heads or tails
so build a cross for me and sharpen your nails
I have succeeded at defying the law of gravity
are you beginning to comprehend my psyche?
it don’t matter at all because you can’t offend me
I’ve been spitting venom for years, most can’t see
all I’ve written to date, mostly filled with hate
because when I’m pissed I’m fucking great
don’t ask me why cuz I can’t explain it in words
just swing by sometime and I’ll give you the bird
then you’ll see all that has become more absurd
than trying to pass a bowling ball sized turd
it just tears a new asshole and there’s enough of them
I’ve been killing assholes to fry up so come dig in
stick with me and you’ll never be hungry again
I didn’t make the rules, remember, I just break them

©December 9, 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Saturday, November 22, 2014

If only the Lonely would get to know Me

if only in memory I can come to admire and adore
the people I met who taught me so much more
about rules I would continue to break “just because”
and how things like fruit and flowers even had laws
of course everything I learned came at a cost
mostly entertainment value for them as I lost
everything, I couldn’t even save face back then
I was, just, some punch line for every one of them
but I did learn a lot and even started to grow
eager to hear the tiniest hint of approval as though
they were the masters of my newly acquired hobby
more often than not all I heard sounded snobby
as if they knew everything, well maybe they did
but they didn’t know me or how I learned as a kid
that seeking approval only leads to resentment
I stopped trying to be liked finding excitement
with doing things my way, fuck them all anyway
most of them hated me, but some started to say
less about me personally, more about my poetry
I earned respect from a few which meant more to me
than all the cheap shots from the snide majority
Gypsy was my sensei along with Oliva my best frenemy
CdP, Delph and Steve were always pretty nice to me
I’ll never forget the writing challenge with JBond
the best rap I ever wrote, but he could only respond
by showing me his dick, which (unlike him) left me dangling
I was told I won, but if that was supposed to be motivating
I missed the class about how motivation felt
all I wanted was acceptance, all I got was guilt
**ah shit, here we go once again
with “someone” breaking in
so pardon me while I get rid of him**

you fucking piece of shit you really need to stop
I’m holding many gats, I don’t need a fucking cop
remember, and don’t forget, I know where you live
as well as all of “them”(the fucktards that you hid)
I’m nowhere near the same person I was before
me and my criminally inclined boy left for Ecuador
no-nee-no-no-no you wannabe, dope dealer
I’m on a whole shit-ton of killer pain killers
and you never really had an opportunity to see
how I, actually, get and who becomes the “real me”
when the opioid, benzo, muscle relaxing, Adderall
“cocktail” party makes me the “Belle, baller at the ball”
a, truly, sad sight to behold since I can no longer breathe
anyone who HAS seen me jacked knows it’s best to leave
so keep on keeping on you fucktarded piece of meat
you and I officially proved, “you are what you eat”
because you’re a giant pussy and I’m a big, fat dick
which of us has the handicap when shit starts getting thick?
like Jesus – I’m beginning to speak in parables
for a world of people who are so damn pitiful
people like you who like to screw people like me over
I carried that cross for fucking years AND I did it sober
so I’ve made a decision about taking drugs for pain
I’ll take as many as it takes to stop the function in my brain
stop receiving the signals telling me to hate life once again
God showed me I’m not meant to die so I never refrain
I’m not fucked up like you, I feel nothing for or about you
nor about who you may or may not decide to screw
I have no care for your whereabouts or anything like that
the only reason for any curiosity I, previously, had
was to see if you had finally gotten past
the feeling that I owed you until I took my last
breath or whatever bull shit caused you to
fuck with me daily because I never owed you
anything, we were pretty even if score was being kept
(not by you, either, idiot – God is who I meant)
had we kept track, honestly, you’d see you owe me big
it’s likely your unable to see I want nothing from a pig
I know you’re not able to understand what I was feeling
but, you’ll know soon enough about how I was dealing
I cannot die to save my life so I know I can’t go near
my suicidal thoughts so, whatever happens, I’ll be here
at least until my son is fully grown, able to make it on his own
only then, if I can’t keep going, I’ll be as good as gone
do you feel better now you gigantic, narcissistic bitch?
I wasn’t lying when I told you, I don’t give a fucking shit
it’s impossible for things to mean a thing to the new, old me
I have enough “chemicals” to run my fun fact-story  
© November 18, 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Without a Missing Link

seriously, how can anyone be serious about
the hypocrisy that spews out of their mouths
do they, even, listen to what they say and
compare it to what they said on other days?
life is seriously dysfunctional on every level
within every home, every business, every
government and religion which has been
brought forth since the dawn of mankind
“mankind,” now that’s a seriously fucked up
word as it is a joining of two words that are
a contradiction to one another because
man, meaning “humans” are not all kind
so why put the two words together to describe
humanity which is a word that has two opposing
definitions separately as one means all humans
as a race and the other meaning benevolence
or showing compassion to other human beings
so what is it that I came to say today that I haven’t
said before, over and over, repeating the same
message in a vast array of ways and wording?
that is just it, the fact that no matter how many
people are out there telling other people to
look around and really see what is happening
around them, to them or the people they love
then ask the question, “what can I do today
to make things better for every human being?”
but don’t stop with asking the question, follow
up with the answer that’s given to you to make
an impact upon the reality that is best described
to be brutality upon the majority of all humanity
remember that word? “humanity” remember
it and mankind and the conflict of opposing
definitions lurking right inside the very word
that you’re saying and don’t use them unless
you use them with the emotion and intent
to make the words truly be true and not in
direct violation of all that is truth because words
are powerful, words are our wands and we
(yes, all of us) use our words carelessly and
create a lot of destruction just by opening up
our mouths and speaking on a daily basis
keep your emotions and your words in check
because I know first hand how much mindless
calamities I’ve created using my wand recklessly
that is another point I’ve made on more than one
occasion when writing things just like this that you
are reading (probably thinking) “this bitch is crazy,
I am just a human being, my words couldn’t possibly
do anything more than make sound or print for
others to hear or read in order to understand my
thoughts” thoughts, yes, thoughts are another
way our words are wands people wake up
do you know how much I have done with the act
of thinking something, literally, watching (in real time)
whatever I thought come into reality and having
a direct affect upon someone or an entire group
of ones that are equal to the sum of hundreds?
I know, sounds crazy, like a grandiose sense of self
but I can assure you that what I am saying isn’t
exclusive to myself, that is why I am saying it to
all of you who are reading this right now because
the mind is a powerful thing that science can’t
begin to comprehend in the entirety of all that the
mind can be in terms of creating or bringing into
reality from thought or speech into the physical
form of whatever was thought or spoken by anyone
don’t let things that are said to you or about you
affect you at all unless whatever is said about you
is in perfect alignment with what you want in your
personal reality because “haters” do exist and I think
we can all agree upon that fact as we see it every
day in this world filled with many brains thinking up
thoughts and words to say about other people in
a very negative way that brings so much low-level
vibrations into the world which is why it is so damn
easy to manifest something ugly compared to what
is beautiful and positive for ourselves and everyone
around the world as we are all connected through
consciousness, but since we are separate in physical
form many around the world do not believe because
they cannot conceive something so big and abstract
though, with the new generation that’s growing up
as we speak, those who were created by those of us
in my generation, are coming into the world and
growing up entirely “awake” which is something
I am very glad to see because it is the necessary
evolutionary action required to enact positive change
so long as every generation of the industrial age
before this new, younger generation didn’t succeed
in irreversibly destroying the very planet we live upon
I believe and am truly filled with hope for all of them
they will have been the first of this race to be the
next step in the human race’s evolution and there
isn’t a missing link as (I believe) my generation has
been the link that led to these new-comers to arrive
and remain fully connected and in tune with all that
I have spoken about in, only, a minute portion within
this very long selection of words that are now “out there”
hopefully aligning with all who need to have the
necessary “jump start” allowing them to “awaken”
into the “awareness” of thought and all the possibilities
that can manifest with the very organ that has led
to this race of humans to live the definition of insanity
by repeating the same, horrific acts over and over
with the only thing improving being the ways in which
it is possible to kill each other which you do not see
in other, less intelligent, mammals upon this rock
which we are blessed to have been given to live

©October 16, 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

I think this song by my "inspiration" and "male, psychic twin" (Eminem) is a good example of words and emotions combining to make literal magic (manifestation)
into this "physical" world. Notice how he causes all the negative that he spits throughout
the song to become "null and void" at the end with the simple statement that "he's just playing..." That shows mindfulness of the power of emotional thoughts and words that are of a negative origin which could (literally) cause damage to someone, or many "ones" so long as the "null/void" statement was made with an even more intense emotion to back up what is spoken.