
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Without a Missing Link

seriously, how can anyone be serious about
the hypocrisy that spews out of their mouths
do they, even, listen to what they say and
compare it to what they said on other days?
life is seriously dysfunctional on every level
within every home, every business, every
government and religion which has been
brought forth since the dawn of mankind
“mankind,” now that’s a seriously fucked up
word as it is a joining of two words that are
a contradiction to one another because
man, meaning “humans” are not all kind
so why put the two words together to describe
humanity which is a word that has two opposing
definitions separately as one means all humans
as a race and the other meaning benevolence
or showing compassion to other human beings
so what is it that I came to say today that I haven’t
said before, over and over, repeating the same
message in a vast array of ways and wording?
that is just it, the fact that no matter how many
people are out there telling other people to
look around and really see what is happening
around them, to them or the people they love
then ask the question, “what can I do today
to make things better for every human being?”
but don’t stop with asking the question, follow
up with the answer that’s given to you to make
an impact upon the reality that is best described
to be brutality upon the majority of all humanity
remember that word? “humanity” remember
it and mankind and the conflict of opposing
definitions lurking right inside the very word
that you’re saying and don’t use them unless
you use them with the emotion and intent
to make the words truly be true and not in
direct violation of all that is truth because words
are powerful, words are our wands and we
(yes, all of us) use our words carelessly and
create a lot of destruction just by opening up
our mouths and speaking on a daily basis
keep your emotions and your words in check
because I know first hand how much mindless
calamities I’ve created using my wand recklessly
that is another point I’ve made on more than one
occasion when writing things just like this that you
are reading (probably thinking) “this bitch is crazy,
I am just a human being, my words couldn’t possibly
do anything more than make sound or print for
others to hear or read in order to understand my
thoughts” thoughts, yes, thoughts are another
way our words are wands people wake up
do you know how much I have done with the act
of thinking something, literally, watching (in real time)
whatever I thought come into reality and having
a direct affect upon someone or an entire group
of ones that are equal to the sum of hundreds?
I know, sounds crazy, like a grandiose sense of self
but I can assure you that what I am saying isn’t
exclusive to myself, that is why I am saying it to
all of you who are reading this right now because
the mind is a powerful thing that science can’t
begin to comprehend in the entirety of all that the
mind can be in terms of creating or bringing into
reality from thought or speech into the physical
form of whatever was thought or spoken by anyone
don’t let things that are said to you or about you
affect you at all unless whatever is said about you
is in perfect alignment with what you want in your
personal reality because “haters” do exist and I think
we can all agree upon that fact as we see it every
day in this world filled with many brains thinking up
thoughts and words to say about other people in
a very negative way that brings so much low-level
vibrations into the world which is why it is so damn
easy to manifest something ugly compared to what
is beautiful and positive for ourselves and everyone
around the world as we are all connected through
consciousness, but since we are separate in physical
form many around the world do not believe because
they cannot conceive something so big and abstract
though, with the new generation that’s growing up
as we speak, those who were created by those of us
in my generation, are coming into the world and
growing up entirely “awake” which is something
I am very glad to see because it is the necessary
evolutionary action required to enact positive change
so long as every generation of the industrial age
before this new, younger generation didn’t succeed
in irreversibly destroying the very planet we live upon
I believe and am truly filled with hope for all of them
they will have been the first of this race to be the
next step in the human race’s evolution and there
isn’t a missing link as (I believe) my generation has
been the link that led to these new-comers to arrive
and remain fully connected and in tune with all that
I have spoken about in, only, a minute portion within
this very long selection of words that are now “out there”
hopefully aligning with all who need to have the
necessary “jump start” allowing them to “awaken”
into the “awareness” of thought and all the possibilities
that can manifest with the very organ that has led
to this race of humans to live the definition of insanity
by repeating the same, horrific acts over and over
with the only thing improving being the ways in which
it is possible to kill each other which you do not see
in other, less intelligent, mammals upon this rock
which we are blessed to have been given to live

©October 16, 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

I think this song by my "inspiration" and "male, psychic twin" (Eminem) is a good example of words and emotions combining to make literal magic (manifestation)
into this "physical" world. Notice how he causes all the negative that he spits throughout
the song to become "null and void" at the end with the simple statement that "he's just playing..." That shows mindfulness of the power of emotional thoughts and words that are of a negative origin which could (literally) cause damage to someone, or many "ones" so long as the "null/void" statement was made with an even more intense emotion to back up what is spoken.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Poem about Serious Disorder

I know you were going for a “serious dis”
but got “serious disorder,” a whirlwind of piss
that’s the problem with having an agenda
to destroy both the alpha and omega
which is, always, in opposition of the former
having made more performers than the latter
you must be more careful performing on a ladder
too often the ladder falls on top of you, banging
your face, leaving all your secrets dangling
because one of “the many” you were banging
bailed on you, leaving you (physically) hanging
now you want to hang someone else out to dry
do you (even) have a legitimate reason why
you’ve chosen this, particular, someone else?
did your delusional stupor leave you with welts
I told you to be careful when you’re on a ladder
in the former use of ladder not in the latter
what’s that? no, nothing’s the matter
with me, but those who lost their heart seem madder
and, if you really want the truth, they don’t matter
they’re all too scared of the Mad Hatter
only the mad one knows why she's mad at her
but this story gets so, so much sadder
even simpletons know the injustice done to her
because Mad’s always hated her since she never
thanked Mad for the dunce hats Mad gave her
she said she wouldn’t wear any of them - ever
so Mad wore the biggest one and once more
got all in her face, after she opened the door
“you cause too much fucking chatter
between those who fawn over me thinking I matter
like the hats I took out of your trash bin
what a terrible place for my dunce hats to be in
it’s as if you really, truly hated all of them
I can, finally, see that you’re not, even,
vaguely close to a person that I want in my spot
your ugliness inside erupts, and “he” thinks you’re hot
bitch, you never heard a word of the chit-chatter
my circumcised clique-tourists tried to splatter
your two, fly-by friends were forced under a ladder
noticing my evil twin walk in to fucking watch
the “cover-up” was ugly like the merkin on my crotch"
I asked my twin, “what time is it?” she said, "go buy a watch
then take it off and toss it, way up high, inside the loft
where she lays, every day, praying our hearts get soft
go on, get mad at me, thinking Ms. Madd had her"
just because Mad removed her hat to dance with her
made it look like she had more romance with her  
nobody thought that she had any friends
she never talked about them in the end
she had as many as her drug money could buy
so it was predictable that they would all start to die
still, when the news came back to her who is me
as if to make the Mad Hatter see
because I lost another friend, yet again
I knew, at that moment, right there and then
I was going to be alone forever,
always a suicidal failure who never
died and stayed dead
even the brain inside my head
came back, again and again, even when
it went forty-five minutes without oxygen
which should have made a larger dent
most people would have required a vent
in order to keep themselves alive
science says a human brain starts to, rapidly, die
after seven to ten minutes the neurons get fried
pronounced "dead” so many times, why have I survived?
it doesn’t matter, the Hatter's evil twin has gone mad
demanding to have my head for showing how, truly, bad
the clique-tourists have treated me as if I circumcised
the ugliness and disfigurement her merkin tries to hide
just go away – all of you – find another voice to quiet
I’m dead set to conquer failure, it’s best done in private

©October 3, 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas