
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Justice for Jasmine

Jasmine, just, jaded the jock in her box
all Chris Christie heard was, “Jack-in-the-Box”
the elephants don’t know juniper from Jupiter
it, only, makes them forget they’re stupider
and justifiably jittery because of the re-aligning
of her juxtaposing ideologies undermining
her values, even, a joker like Chris knows
ideas pushed on you are too stupid to propose
the fat from our defense can’t carry its own weight
anyone with intelligence knows the real debate
poor Jasmine, it will (only) get worse for you
the GOP fell hard when I cursed their entire crew
I watch for Jasmine’s affect, hoping I’m not too late
her idea fell flat on its face trying to sprint out the gate
an expressive-less expression says she knew it would happen
liberals (like me) felt her pain while his party sat laughin'
let me clarify, exactly, what kind of an unkind party
I’m talking about who have shown the world wholeheartedly
the entire right side was right when they judged
her as a jackass-elephant who won’t hold a grudge
she’s not the first power-junkie to get ganked
by this group of old fucks who collectively yanked
her into their circus made up of insane clowns
but they don’t attract juggalos whenever they’re in town
like vampires, they love “new blood” so they surround
Jasmine with negativity and every one of their old parts
girl, you best watch out for dust if one of them farts
they’re private parts are conjoined like Siamese twins
strapped jocks (only) pitch and catch, public stupidity wins
the gang-bang chain is only as strong as the leakiest link
she’s nose blind to the older, moldier, elephant stink
she gets their dust in her eyes, missed them filling their trunks
they collect each others’ skeletons, they never keep junk
by the time she figured out she was their newest of tools
there wasn’t a thing she could do except follow their rules
if it was my face they jizzzed on, after jerking each other off,
I’d grab up some sharp weapons before they went soft
a machete in my left hand, a samurai sword in my right
like Jet Li, spinning nun chucks, swinging them as I fight
my machete severs the cocks off every pitcher
leaving them stuck in the ass of each catcher
the razor, sharp sword slices off every elephant’s trunk
which, in actuality, were no bigger than their junk
their skeletons, kept, spill out onto the ground
the Jiu Jitsu, I use, proves I’m not fucking around
GOP, tea party or libertarian, it's irrelevant now
they all look like elephants when being “put down”
all their secrets got service then brought to the surface
by a tree-hugging, liberal ninja with a grudge and a purpose
the majority of them claim to be good Christians
while they show prejudice that goes beyond racism
condemning women who have to make a tough decision
to terminate a pregnancy for more than one reason
hating gay people who won’t hide in closets like them
when most of them get "outed" over and over again
they’re incapable of telling the truth about most things
the biggest lie they tell is that they’re decent human beings
don’t bother trying to make sense from any of their shit
it’ll make you crazy trying to understand a hypocrite
I don’t worry about it since I castrated half of them
the other half will die off, remember they’re old men
getting rid of these narrow-minded fucks was refreshing
Jasmine asked, “What’d you do?" I replied, “Ethic Cleansing”

©April 2015 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

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