
Friday, October 6, 2017

Enough is Enough

absolute moron; Neanderthal from birth
if he only had as much intelligence as girth
shit-show, con-artist, used car salesman
he’d have been in prison if not born with millions
can’t call this idiot, mafia wannabe my president
I’d rather have my tongue ripped out and sent
to live in an uninhabitably harsh environment
than use it to utter the sacred word of president
when referring to such an obviously ill equipped,
intellectually inept, emotionally stunted and stripped
from ties to reality he needs to take a fucking trip
back to Russia stay there until he gets a grip
on the concept of honesty, humility, and empathy
knowing him he’ll arrange for another hooker to pee
which is a sign that he hates himself so much internally
it’s his mind sending him strong messages subliminally
but he’s not capable of looking anywhere internally
can’t self-reflect, introspect, there’s nothing insightful
about this cretin with Russian money he’s so pitiful
God help us all if his party doesn’t grow some balls
get the toddler out of power before the world falls
into complete and utter chaos followed by war
come on people; we’ve all seen this movie before
it doesn’t end happily, there isn’t a silver lining here
GOP grow some nuts and quit living in political fear
put your country first for once you NRA owned fucks
think of the next time a man takes a gun and goes nuts
like the one who had it right trying to eliminate your kind
at the baseball game; he had the right idea in mind
I don’t believe in shit like that; I’d rather use my vote
but your gerrymandering shit turned that to a big joke
haven’t you all seen enough violence to figure it out
of course not; gun control you won’t even talk about
it’s a disgrace that people can amass such weapons
then kill so many innocents without learning lessons
you’re party is just as guilty as all those lunatics
because you won’t do shit; you’re a bunch of pricks
more worried about the political fall out and the hits
you’d take by NRA money or the redneck constituents
America’s about defending the greater good we’re told
is that just another ideology created in order to be sold
to the public to justify all the heinous shit done for real
by our military whenever civilians are being killed
it’s time to own up, grow up, enough blood’s been spilled
that's right, (I forget) if the shooter's white, it's no big deal

©October 6, 2017 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

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