
Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Un-dynamic Duo

you're so arrogantly ignorant
oblivious to how significant
putting two pics from my group
together like alphabet soup
spelled out to me what I already knew
did you really believe I had no clue
about the fake members and clients too?
they all stuck together like super glue
making a huge sign pointing at you
your passive attempt to tell me the truth
all it showed was you haven't any couth
one more sad attempt to insult my IQ
fortunately the only idiot here is you
all your lack of intelligence proves
is your total incapacity to be smooth
your wheels spin loud to plot a move
it sounds like you tip-toe with hooves
you may as well be wearing tap shoes
did you dig Sammy D. up to tap with you?
if so then I know it's the two of you
who are the dancing un-dynamic duo

by Tamara Imes-Nicholas 2012

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