
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Face to Face, Who are You?

come on everyone
it’s time to do an exercise
each of you pick a partner
sit, facing one another
stare, deep, into each other’s eyes
do not speak a word
look past the physical, through and into their heart and soul
feel their emotions or listen to their thoughts
whatever you feel or pick up on – just hold
allow them to see you, really see you
who you are, what you’ve done, anything you’ve been through
don’t try to hide any part of you
now – everyone stop, tell each other what you saw
taking turns to hear from your partner
does anything they say resonate as “truth?”

(what was said)
all I see is pain, an enormous amount of pain, it’s so fucking heavy

(how what's said is translated)
I see a beautiful person who’s very scared
she’s worried about being rejected by those most important to her
but, she has strength and knows who she is
she doesn’t have to hide her beauty, her kindness
by doing things she believes
will prove her fears to be correct
she is okay within herself to love enough for anyone
who may not be able to see
past their own fears or self-imposed limitations
about who she is, what she does or has done
she knows if they can’t or won’t accept her
as she is, who she is completely
it isn’t her fault – it is the other’s defect
she has enough love for them and her despite
whatever they won’t allow themselves to have for her
it’s okay, she has enough – she doesn’t need theirs
it’s okay if they don’t want to be around her
to treat her with courtesy, dignity and respect
it’s okay because she will still give “that” to them
she has no delusions that she will change them
she’s not trying to force or manipulate her way
into the hearts of those who are supposed to love her
to support her for who she is no matter what that may be
it’s okay – she tells herself – it’s okay everyday
there’s no more need for her to numb the pain
because she has enough love for all of them
and if nothing ever changes – it’s okay
she doesn’t have to worry about anything anymore
she is who she is, it is what it is, they are who they are
and everything, now – at last, is okay

©September 21, 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

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