
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Thank you!

Let me just take this moment to thank all of you around the world who have taken notice of my blog. I have to say that I do love the French. I know all the "conservatives" in this country will not like my candidness about my feelings for you overseas, but "Merci beaucoup! I love you!"

Please, don't be shy (any of you who cruise by - no matter where you're from). Join or follow my blog and feel free to comment (bad or good) I need to hear what you think or feel about the things I write. I would appreciate it and I am not one to intrude into your life with the incessant email notifications. (At least I hope this thing isn't set up that way on it's own accord - I know I haven't set anything like that up so...)

Anyway, thank you so very much, merci beaucoup, gracias, and that's the extent of my foreign language skills (sorry to my German, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian viewers - I don't know your language, maybe you can educate me).

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