
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Don’t Cry or Complain

I don’t expect you to understand
how this world is not a wonderland
the way pain, strife and injustice lurk
fucked up men made me berserk
the way I miss my boy
everything that robbed my joy
the hurtful things done to me
by everyone, including my family
it’s as if my life started off so great
that my punishment is to deteriorate
I made millions in my twenties
partied it all away, every penny
in my thirties I lived upper middle class
by forty-one I was laid out, flat on my ass
no more high plateaus to look out upon
a deep hole keeping me from
climbing out in order to start again
only foes, no more fake or real friends
not one mother fucker trying to pretend
they give a shit about my inevitable end
no more prayers to save me from myself
just a continual and persistent living hell
little does any friend or foe happen to know
I have been to hell and scared the devil so
it’s never too late for me to be a hero
saving myself and my son from the egos
of all the haters who tried to destroy us
my gloves are off so I can show what I must
to anyone who thought they were more dangerous
go ahead fucktard, scream at me and cuss
because you cannot get the best of us
I’ve fought my entire life so bring it
just don’t cry or complain when you eat shit

©June 24, 2015 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Monday, June 15, 2015

Back to School

what the..
why do ya?
fuck it, never mind
you’re so blind
can’t see that it’s not my
way, this way isn’t right
living in fight or flight
it happened despite
all I did to change it
my life is shit
just wanna quit
and why shouldn’t I?
can’t think of one reason why
because my reason is gone
like everyone I ever counted on
without a goodbye
wish I could die
but, suicide, like everything
else that meant anything
I couldn’t get it right
a failure at life I might
as well be gone
I keep asking God if I’m done
out of places to run
life hasn’t been fun
for a very long time
I’m not welcome at the grind
I can’t seem to find
a job, like a leprechaun
it’s a fairy tale
don’t ask and I won’t tell
you how shitty life has become
now, go on and run
back to your perfect life
after you stick your dull knife
into my back as I lean in for a hug
as you sit back and judge with a shrug
of your shoulders and a damning look
on your face – I’m the baby that you shook
then, afterward, you had the nerve
to ask what’s the matter with me like I deserve
the ass-kicking life’s given me
still, every day I get on my knees
and thank God for giving me
my son who’s the best thing
yes, he is a blessing
don’t keep testing me
my cross is way too heavy
for me to carry – it’s a levy
stick with what you know
should I go back to selling blow?
jack myself up on heroin
is that the reason I’m in
debt to this life and cannot die?
is it because I used to defy
the laws and rules of society
is that the person you want me to be
it seems as if that’s the way
you want me to live and play
ever since I found sobriety
the world’s been kicking the shit out of me
there’s no sign, for certain, it will stop
I blew it like a huge belly-flop
I jumped off the highest board
as I fell I felt so ignored
nobody wants to see me be successful
they are much more amused with pitiful
I’ve had enough of this shit, so painful
so put your glasses on, I’m making a spectacle
crank the music up and get an earful
while I yell and whale this rhyme be thankful
I don’t turn my rage on all of you
who don’t give a fuck about me, it’s true
I was your entertainment the whole time
but I never made a fucking dime
while exposing everything without knowing
that your television sets were showing
my meltdown publically displaying
the pain that was caused me, I’m praying
for a sliver of justice to be brought to me
for every fucking thing you took, we’ll see
if the laws of the universe
are just or just perverse
is there anyone else that you hate worse
than me? keep reading my curse
to you who have no love inside
there’s nowhere you can hide
my words will find every one of you
don’t act innocent, you fuck, you knew
exactly what you were doing when you did it
you can all eat a giant bag of shit
while you suck the devil’s dick
you are a worthless bunch of pricks
I’m sorry and I forgive you – every one
not for you, for me, the damage is done
I release you and myself from the rest
of whatever was to come and hope the best
of what this life has to offer anyone
just know that I was the one
who took the beating of a life time
and, still, turned out just fine
I’m done with this dance
there’ll be no more chances
so take a bow for your part you played
while I cash the check that’s made
payable to cash by you
and the rest of the cast that blew
someone else more important than you
I just assumed that you knew
you were replaced by a bigger tool
you’re being sent back to school
to learn how to play with others better
now I can watch you try to hold it together
you can entertain me now you fool
as you get taken back to school

©June 15, 2015 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Independently Paved Path to Happiness

struggling to push through the enormous pain
residing within every part of my damaged brain
trying to pull happy memories out of the clutter
so I don’t think about falling back into the gutter
similar to the crane used to grab stuffed animals
inside a glass box causing each player to scramble
dumping their whole paycheck into this game
obsession defiled by toys dropping from the crane
my tenacity to reclaim my independence
won’t allow me to sit and suffer in silence
I’m so close to having my passion materialize
I can see, feel and taste my manifesting prize
still, life continues to throw bags of shit at me
I’d be lying to say that life’s been great in sobriety
my pink cloud turned black then filled with hail
assaulting me with baseball sized ice that fell
from dark skies forming funnel clouds that surround
me every day, each time I hid I was quickly found
and just as I contemplated giving up and surrender
Divine Intervention reached out, helping me remember
the fact that there is no other time than right now
and the rest of the universal laws that show me how
to dissolve every obstruction residing inside my mind
without the clutter, the path to happiness is easy to find

© May 19, 2015 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Justice for Jasmine

Jasmine, just, jaded the jock in her box
all Chris Christie heard was, “Jack-in-the-Box”
the elephants don’t know juniper from Jupiter
it, only, makes them forget they’re stupider
and justifiably jittery because of the re-aligning
of her juxtaposing ideologies undermining
her values, even, a joker like Chris knows
ideas pushed on you are too stupid to propose
the fat from our defense can’t carry its own weight
anyone with intelligence knows the real debate
poor Jasmine, it will (only) get worse for you
the GOP fell hard when I cursed their entire crew
I watch for Jasmine’s affect, hoping I’m not too late
her idea fell flat on its face trying to sprint out the gate
an expressive-less expression says she knew it would happen
liberals (like me) felt her pain while his party sat laughin'
let me clarify, exactly, what kind of an unkind party
I’m talking about who have shown the world wholeheartedly
the entire right side was right when they judged
her as a jackass-elephant who won’t hold a grudge
she’s not the first power-junkie to get ganked
by this group of old fucks who collectively yanked
her into their circus made up of insane clowns
but they don’t attract juggalos whenever they’re in town
like vampires, they love “new blood” so they surround
Jasmine with negativity and every one of their old parts
girl, you best watch out for dust if one of them farts
they’re private parts are conjoined like Siamese twins
strapped jocks (only) pitch and catch, public stupidity wins
the gang-bang chain is only as strong as the leakiest link
she’s nose blind to the older, moldier, elephant stink
she gets their dust in her eyes, missed them filling their trunks
they collect each others’ skeletons, they never keep junk
by the time she figured out she was their newest of tools
there wasn’t a thing she could do except follow their rules
if it was my face they jizzzed on, after jerking each other off,
I’d grab up some sharp weapons before they went soft
a machete in my left hand, a samurai sword in my right
like Jet Li, spinning nun chucks, swinging them as I fight
my machete severs the cocks off every pitcher
leaving them stuck in the ass of each catcher
the razor, sharp sword slices off every elephant’s trunk
which, in actuality, were no bigger than their junk
their skeletons, kept, spill out onto the ground
the Jiu Jitsu, I use, proves I’m not fucking around
GOP, tea party or libertarian, it's irrelevant now
they all look like elephants when being “put down”
all their secrets got service then brought to the surface
by a tree-hugging, liberal ninja with a grudge and a purpose
the majority of them claim to be good Christians
while they show prejudice that goes beyond racism
condemning women who have to make a tough decision
to terminate a pregnancy for more than one reason
hating gay people who won’t hide in closets like them
when most of them get "outed" over and over again
they’re incapable of telling the truth about most things
the biggest lie they tell is that they’re decent human beings
don’t bother trying to make sense from any of their shit
it’ll make you crazy trying to understand a hypocrite
I don’t worry about it since I castrated half of them
the other half will die off, remember they’re old men
getting rid of these narrow-minded fucks was refreshing
Jasmine asked, “What’d you do?" I replied, “Ethic Cleansing”

©April 2015 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Friday, March 20, 2015

A Fist for the Fascists

I can’t stand you, you fucking fascist
you’re the reason I’m making a fist
you’re the reason there is a “black list”
you, contemptible hypocrite, can kiss
my rectum, colon and the rest of my ass
I’m curious if you realize, exactly, how crass
your idiotic points of view are, just, like glass
I can see right through and break them fast
can’t wait until your ignorant, old generation
is wiped from the earth, the entire population
you’re the cause of every bit of my frustration
your cataracts won’t let you see the situation
if you want the truth, I’m tired of explaining
to all of you old fuckers who keep complaining
voting in republicans while I hear you saying,
“the government should help…” (what?) keep praying
in fact, I can’t keep on ranting and raving to you
who don’t want to hear the truth like all of us who
write about this shit and argue and debate with you
God bless us all that we’re able to make it through
until you’re time is up and sanity can be restored
in fact, fuck you all, I’m out of words and I’m bored

©March 20, 2015 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Never too Blind to See Reality

my eyesight’s getting more blurry
everyday but I don’t worry
I'm, still, able to see too many
fraudulent fakes who don't have any
love for people who have a clue
about the atrocities that they do
and every lie they will use
to keep all progress off the news
I can’t stand listening to ignorance
Forest Gump had a better chance
at comprehending economics
than any of these redneck pricks
who create problems they can't fix 
let's take them all out to the sticks
line them up along the border
while they’re gone we’ll restore order
when they try to build their wall
we’ll find replacements for them all
when they're returning to D.C.
we’ll call homeland security
ship them off to Guantanamo Bay
their own policies ensure they’ll stay
I hope that by twenty-sixteen
all the inequalities that I've seen
will be nothing more than folklore
there’ll be no reason for a class war
no more violating rights and liberties
no more troops being sent overseas
my eyesight gets worse every day
I don't need eyes in order to pray
for humanity to have more humanity
I'll fix my eyes when the truth is pretty
my whole life the truth's been ugly
and these idiots keep acting smugly
like Fox News when they tell stories
they think that killing will bring us glory
a huge storm of lies that keeps pouring
because the truth is, just, so boring
with a president who has integrity,
intelligence, resolve and dignity
it infuriates everyone who's ignorant
manipulated by the one percent
it's good their voters are dying off
we, the liberals, are smart not soft
they hate anyone who is different
claiming "Jesus" makes them do it
my eyesight might be getting worse
but the words I speak are a curse
to all of the greedy, fake haters
who will, soon, be facing their maker

©July 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Mother Means Heartbreak

I know how often I told you
how much I, truly, love you
how often I said how proud I am
of what an intelligent young man
that you’re becoming
and how un-becoming
we’ve been to each other
but, son, I am your mother
I don’t expect you to understand
I never wanted to raise my hand
to you, no I never wanted to
be your mom and your dad too
I know you’re angry with me
angry at things that you don’t see
this isn’t how either of us want to be
and no matter what you think of me
no matter how much I seem to be
blaming you for many things
please believe me when I say
that I will never walk away
I will always have your back
no matter who comes to attack
I hope you know within your heart
I am not scrutinizing your part
that you were sent here to play
I forgive you every single day
I know you forgive me too
for the anger I show to you
please know none of it is true
out of the shit I say to you
because most of it belongs to
everyone else except for you
I’d trade my life for your happiness
I know I’ll never be at my best
with how my life’s become a mess
which leaves me feeling so hopeless
I’m tired of being let down
I’m sick of causing you to frown
you don’t deserve to be treated badly
you deserve a mom and dad but sadly
you’re stuck with the worst part of me
I, really, wish you could still see
the mom I used to be before
I lost everything and so much more
the best years of my life were spent
with you and your dad before he went
and I wish I could give the world to you
I wish that neither one of us knew
how fucked up most people are
tonight I wished upon a shooting star
for you to have all you’ll ever need
and all you’ll ever want without greed
the scariest thing in my life has been
not being able to know if or when
I’d ever be a good mom again
I felt so happy on that day when
you told me I was a good mom
now it seems like my life is all wrong
maybe I’ll be blessed one last time
to know all your respect is, truly, mine
even better to know I prepared you
for the fucked up shit people will do
never again will anyone hurt you
forgive me for all I put you through
I know you know I never wanted to
but want has very little to do
with what life gives us “chosen few”
just remember what we came to do
remember that we have to go through
painful lessons that we’ll hold onto
long after we’ve done all we agreed to do
my heart will forever belong to you
no matter what you do or don’t do

©February 21, 2015 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Friday, February 13, 2015

Some Assembly Required

nobody tells young women and men
what to expect when either has children
yes, we know they don’t have a user’s guide
it would’ve been nice to know about the slide
with a long, downward spiraling descent
leading to desperation that’s permanent
a noose made from years of tears and regret
the random memories we’d like to forget
most of us know we’ll never find perfection
it doesn’t correlate with the “human condition”
there is one thing that all of us are told
a love so deep it never grows old
many of us heard fragments of discontent
not taken very seriously as they came and went
fast forward to my own tiny, little bundle of joy
nurses go crazy; blonde curly hair on my boy
I heard, all the time, how fast the times goes
everyone agreed about how fast they grow
in reality within the grand scheme of all things
even good moms and dads are just human beings
what you’re told and who told you isn’t relevant
there’s nothing easy about being a good parent

© February 13, 2015 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas