
Friday, August 29, 2014

The Last Shepherd

it’s so hard for me, but I really do try
to comprehend, to understand the reason why
in this world with so many wolves on the prowl
there are, still, so many fucking sheep? how
can it be possible for the impossible to be
I don’t get a portion let alone entirely
this concept of following others without questioning
what the wolves are selling before the sheep start buying
it’s so unnatural to me, but I do like prying
into many, fuck it, ANY of all the shit flying
am I the only person left, in a world that’s dying,
to question motives with so many wolves lying
laying in wait to snatch any sheep it can
there’s nothing moral about killing a baby lamb
am I the only one left who’s NOT trying to get video?
a whole flock of sheep are “taping” the attack and NO
it’s NOT GOOD their only concern is “capturing” the show
with so many people filming how come no one, even, knows
where the shepherds are, now, nobody gave a shit so
the world’s thick with bystanders without a fucking hero
I’m getting sick thinking, “how life is,” no matter where I go
am I the only one in this world, which is over-populated,
aware of how much progress we’ve lost, totally uncompensated
I know there has to be, at least, one other shepherd left
despite the wolf pack that’s calling for our death
does it matter if the shepherds became part of the flock
if they’re that scared to die they’re too soft to be a rock
it’s not for me to say what another shepherd does
even if they join the pack, who wants me dead, because
they’re as equally scared to die as those disguised like sheep
tell them they can have the flock so long as they don’t eat
if they get hungry, I am here, and I have plenty of meat
the only thing I ask is that they don’t come in one clump
since this shepherd has only one .12 gauge Mossberg pump

©August 28, 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Maze

eventually, the path we walk in our lives,
through life’s maze, will lead us to a place
where no more progress can be made
in the direction we are traveling
and, being creatures who have
survival hard-wired into our DNA,
we will turn back to make our way
towards the place we last turned
most of us are habitual in our ways
seeking out progression rather than regression
we do not give a moment’s thought
with regard to going “further back” in our path
as to do so seems silly and time consuming
so we enter at the last turn which we made,
already, resolved to go on ahead from there and,
through no fault of our own, the walls of life’s maze
become narrower, taller and lengthier (somehow)
causing us to travel longer without choices as to
which way to go, other than forward, despite the
obvious appearance that there may not be
another chance to change directions any time soon
(if ever at all) which brings upon great weight
for us to carry on a, seemingly, unending journey
draining our energy as well as all hope
of the opportunity to change the course of our lives

©August 24, 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thorny Pricks

like morning glory I'm so hard to stop
stronger than a dandelion you can't pop off my top
the world is full of many ugly insidious crops
I don't harm anyone so passers-by don't stop
no, I may not ever vanish completely
and when I come back it's always more sweetly
I don't understand why anyone wants to kill me
because I come with many o' white flower
though they're tiny they still pack more power
unlike my vines that intertwine and climb
spreading my little flowers so infinitely divine
to create a soft patch hidden inside your mind
for you to relax, free from the prickly porcupines
so go ahead and lay back, trade your stress for sunshine
don't let all the jealous haters rob you of your spine
lay back on my sweet softness to take a needed rest
close your eyes and then take a nice, big deep breath
you're here within my retreat so please be my guest
there's no need to take Valium or drink any wine
because I'm here so just allow me to blow your mind
there's no need to fear about anyone bleeding you dry
my soft, sweetness is designed to evaporate time
but if, even now, you still don't have the slightest clue
just take a wild guess about what's in it for you
it's up to you to decide if you're ready to “come to”
by then I'll have planted more dreams within you
so go ahead and do whatever it is you plan to do
but, when you leave, save a dream or two
because a life lived without dreams
is worse than a lawn with prickly weeds
don't ever let those thorny pricks rob them from you
but please realize that even if they happen to
I'm not here to judge or take anything from you
I've only one wish, only one job I'm glad to do
just be ready when their thorns get stuck inside you
so come on back anytime you want, relax and unwind
I do this out of love, there's nothing better you'll find
I hope you can see how beautiful life can be
when you extend your hand to a fellow human being
soon you will see people are just like all the weeds
society says that we're supposed to despise all sorts of things
but it doesn't mean that they're right
in fact, it's only because they're uptight
because throughout their whole life
every person they met came to fight
so many weeds stuck their thorny pricks inside
such pain as the thorns became fangs sucking blood
everyone from everywhere, never showing no love
please keep in mind if you happen to get stuck
it has absolutely nothing to do with bad luck
it was all just a test to find out if you'd show love
power, like choice, can lift you up or pull you down
you'd be wise to come back, lay on my soft ground
just remember I cannot force anyone to unwind
I suggest you relax, leave the past’s pain behind
praying I'll be blessed with someone to blow MY mind
that day is coming soon and I hope you will find
how evil you’ve been to me so move on or be kind
I don't lie or break promises despite what's in your mind
I swear mother fucker I promise I'm no longer being kind
I'm done taking the high road to a one-way, dead end
so this is your final warning, it was never pretend

©November 2012 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

The World is a Clitoris

the world is a big clitoris
run amok with cocks and dicks
and I am the only vagina
"stick it to me big daddy
everyone else has screwed me sideways"
I wish I was an asshole
to purge the earth of all the excrement
rid it of all its ugliness, vulgarity, and insanity
you're not even listening, I'm wasting my energy,
my Intelligence, Spirituality and mortality
along with my goodness and decency
and there goes my propensity
to give the tiniest bit of a shit
fuck your two cents, I want a dollar
though a million fucking dollars
won't give me back what I've lost
cut my losses, fuck what it cost
who's to say what his cost is
who's to know what I really felt
when I was dealt 
this shitty hand
I want him, here, to stand
while I belt out this last note
it's all that I wrote 
it's all that I know
it's pain so raw, so deep, so low
how far can it go
well, I don't really know
I don't really care much these days
for me, now, nothing fazes
don't even care anymore
that's the price that I've paid
to love so much - too much
to have more love for him than myself
that's what I get for loving I guess
believing his lies made me a mess
living a life filled with stress
I allowed him to take me away from me
he kept saying I don't trust him, you see
but I tried then I did and by trusting in him
he stole everything from me, my identity
not just metaphorically I mean it literally
took my check book - gave it to his piece of ass
I don't mean to sound crass
but that clitoris cannot mimic this
any cunt can suck a cock bitch
let's see how well you talk
or, in my shoes, even try to walk
with your enormous clown feet
you may, even, be good under the sheets
I doubt you're any better than me
I wonder, how well do you think?
can you get outside the box
no, not think outside the box
I mean (really) get yourself out of a box
I may be blonde, but this "Goldie Locks"
is crazy just like any fucking fox
you stupid irrelevant little twit
I bet you don't even have real tits
you probably have a real nice smile
I’m damn sure it gets a lot of miles
you left a lot of tracks and by that I mean clues
how pretty is your face when it's black and blue
you’ll have to come out of hiding soon
we'll see who's laughing at who
we'll see if you will, also, call the cops
or if his dick is still hard as rocks
at least I'd be doing my own time
it would be for my own crime
not for shit you did while pinning it on me
after you stole my money and identity
after beating your ass I'll gladly do time
remembering each day how much you cried
as you were begging me to stop
yelling, "please, someone call the cops"
hearing your nose snap right in two
as your blood instantly started to spew
you'll never take from someone else - get it?
no, you don't, but you will live to regret it
I will never let anyone take from me again
I will make you wish you had never "been" 

©September 2010 – Tamara Roberts (before Imes or Nicholas)
Edited August 2014 by Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Window

sitting, with deep gaze fixed 
as if looking through the window
what is seen isn’t “out there” 
it is within the mind’s eye
playing the same reruns of 
better times that led to tragedy
the details of the happiest moments 
seem to be edited out
whether by the conscious or 
subconscious is irrelevant
the most miserable and horrifying events 
play from beginning to end
except those that occurred in childhood 
at an age most can’t recall
like a scratch on an old vinyl album 
the tape within seems to get stuck
causing a repetition of unpleasantries 
that start and stop over and over
with great concern for her he asks, rhetorically, 
if she’s okay as she’s been staring for hours
at last, a break in the constant struggle 
trying to get past the skipping
caused by the scratch within her vinyl memory
she replies to him, "everything is fine" 
then asks “what’s going on with you?”
he took comfort with their exchange 
of small talk as he replied, “nothing”
it is a great struggle, but she’s able 
to crack a smile, she feels the inauthenticity
causing her face to flush, red with embarrassment 
which he didn’t notice; he is, always, in a hurry 
to get back to his X-box, providing his escape from reality
taking leave he says, “I love you" 
she returns the gesture in kind
feeling relief that her thoughts and visions 
went without notice (at least) this time
she turns her eyes back, toward the window 
assured her burden hasn't become his
she knows that he has many of his own
then, returns, that hideously nagging voice 
who stole most of her life from her
telling her, “it will be best for everyone” 
as she sees a vision of herself on the bed
her skin is blue, her lips a darker hue
and just as she’s resolved, this time, 
the wretched nag may be right
the vision moves forward to him 
entering the room to see her blue skin becoming purple
immediately a feeling of panic and guilt 
rush through her mind and body
seeing his face as he looked upon her 
in such a horrifying and lifeless state 
he’s never been exposed to this
her vision stops abruptly as she gasps
she tells the nagging voice, telepathically,
be gone from here and leave me to myself,” 
tears run down both cheeks while the intensity 
of her empathic, connection with all things is felt immensely
she knows it cannot be done, she has tried and 
“successfully failed” so many times
she knows that he deserves much more 
than what is his, even, now
grounded in determination to change 
the course of both their lives
she gets up from the chair 
turning away from the window
walking to where he is contently playing 
she dries her eyes before entering his room
with a genuine smile that lights up her face 
she tells him how proud she is of him
bending down, a bit, she puts her arms 
around him from behind as he sits
his eyes strongly fixed upon the screen 
maneuvering the hand control
she has her arms comfortably around him 
giving him a kiss atop his head
squeezing just a tiny bit harder 
as her lips press upon his head until they smack
life will continue on, at least for now, 
knowing she can’t leave him
the wolves would devour him and 
he’s not ready to take on the pack
in silent prayer and meditation 
she gives voice and feeling to her words
sleep overtakes her consciousness quickly 
and in pleasant slumber she dreams
of many things that tell her 
all of her prayers are being answered

©August 19, 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wish Life wasn’t Awful

life used to be so wonderful
the way you could turn awful
into something that was laughable
your son does it too, he’s beautiful
I never knew when I wrote “Star Gazer”
that I was defining what happened later
I keep going and some days are better
than the ones where I sit and remember
how great our life was before it wasn’t
I wish I would have done what I didn’t
I hate myself at times because I couldn’t
keep my promise, maybe you wouldn’t
have relapsed like you did, it’s so hard
not to blame myself for your backward
decline into self-destruction, I empowered
the demons feeding your addiction and I left
thinking I was helping you but I regret
not being with you when you needed it
you needed love more than ever and I let
my education, my profession determine that
I should leave because you wouldn’t come back
from a disease designed precisely to attack
emotional deficits like self-loathing and lack
of self-esteem, anything good trying to take
your life, craving death, I knew what’s at stake
traded you in for someone so evil and fake
I got repaid, put it on my life I won’t make
another mistake with such consequence
I’ve never been one to play only defense
I’m tired of being offended by my offense
trying very hard to make my life make sense
your death was senseless, two shots from behind
just last week a man was killed by the same kind
profiling piece of shit cop every time they find
a reason to acquit these fucks so never mind
trying to make sense of senseless deaths
I’d rather spend time making up for the mess
I made when I didn’t try to keep my promise
I know you forgive me but I don’t feel any less
disgust and regret, at least you’re at rest

©August 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas

Friday, August 15, 2014

Really Utah? Seriously?

I heard on Fox 13 News at Nine tonight (Sunday, January 27, 2013) that a new bill is being proposed that will make it illegal for me to smoke with my child, or any minor, in my car. I am not proud of the fact that I smoke nor that I smoke in my vehicle while my teenage child accompanies me. However, I do have the window(s) down while smoking so that the smoke isn’t stuck inside with us. 

Now, I pay property tax on my car. This translates to being a place that is my property where I decide what goes on within or upon my property. Why haven’t they made it illegal to smoke inside a place of residence while a minor is present? The smoke inside a home is much more likely to be inhaled by the minor and in much greater volume. Is it because a law like that couldn’t be enforced without violating other rights? I believe that is a big motivator. After all, federal law supersedes state law. Keep that last sentence in mind as you read further into this article.

Utah is one of many other “red states” who had paranoid thoughts when the killings took place at Sandy Hook. Many of Utah’s government officials and police departments stated that, “We will not enforce federal laws that take away our gun rights.” This was said despite the fact that neither President Obama nor any other democrat in Washington had mentioned taking away the right to bear arms. 

The only thing that was mentioned in D.C. were ideas about how to eliminate venues where guns were sold without following federal laws on background checks, figuring out better ways to conduct background checks by incorporating mental illnesses, and eliminating the sale of automatic weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines.

How can Utah be so offended by the thought of federal legislation that eliminates high capacity clips and automatic weapons, which are designed specifically to kill large numbers of people very rapidly? They are against such federal gun laws for the fact that it takes away their freedom, yet when it comes to the freedom of a smoker (let’s just call it as it is and say the freedom of a “sinner”) it is okay because of the potential harm it could be doing to a child riding in the vehicle. 

The federal legislation Utah is opposing would definitely, not “potentially,” reduce the episodes of mass killings. Remember, most of the mass homicides have taken the lives of minor children. Yet, they turn around and approve legislation that takes away the freedom of anyone who smokes (sins). For those of you reading who have not been exposed to nor know nothing about the LDS faith, “free agency” is the single most important gift given to all humans by God and should never be taken away. Free agency is freedom only worded differently, but not by much difference.

This legislation, that is so obviously born from the religious beliefs of those who make up the majority in the state of Utah, (including its government officials) to take my free agency (under God) and freedom (under the constitution of the United States of America) as an adult citizen is an outrage. Why? Because their reasoning to make this law hides behind the smokescreen of preventing a disease which is not guaranteed to manifest. 

Second hand smoke has not been studied within the parameters in which this law would be applied. In other words, there haven’t been any studies done with the parameters being minors exposed to second hand smoke while traveling inside of a moving vehicle with the window(s) down and without any other exposure to second hand smoke other than within this variable. 

This entire argument is proof, yet again, that being a liberal living in a very, red state is more than just frustrating. I literally (and liberally) wish all the very, red (crazy) states would just secede from the rest of the (sane) union. And, since it is us (the liberals) who don’t mind fair tax rates because we live in reality where churches, families and neighbors don’t or can’t always take care of the poor or disabled, we get to keep all of our troops and national defense. 

Sure, a lot of the greedy, wealthy, tax-evading citizens will naturally choose to live in the red states because of their hatred for the IRS. But, there are many wealthy people who weren’t born into a long, family line of money who remember where they came from and don’t mind giving back to those who made them rich. 

Believe me, if I had my way I’d be living in southern California. Unfortunately, for the past six years, next to nothing that happens with or in my life is up to me. Don’t mistake that statement as one of a “victim” because, although I have been victimized many times in my life, I have and will continue to survive. I will, also, continue to be realistically optimistic. And, because of the insane hypocrisy in the state where I have to live (for now) I will continue to break the law. That is, the state’s law. 
As long as Utah continues to reap the financial rewards from those of us who they call “sinners” by having an actual “sin tax” on alcohol and tobacco I think it is only fair that I retain my God-given and United States federal freedoms. 

By the way, the first few paragraphs of this article was an actual email to the governor of this state. I never received a reply nor did I expect anything to, actually, come of it other than it being opened and immediately being deleted. But, I’m a believer that people who don’t vote do not have a right to bitch about politics and people who don’t (at least) try to be part of the solution don’t have the right to bitch about a problem. 

©August 2014 – Tamara Imes-Nicholas