
Thursday, August 21, 2014

The World is a Clitoris

the world is a big clitoris
run amok with cocks and dicks
and I am the only vagina
"stick it to me big daddy
everyone else has screwed me sideways"
I wish I was an asshole
to purge the earth of all the excrement
rid it of all its ugliness, vulgarity, and insanity
you're not even listening, I'm wasting my energy,
my Intelligence, Spirituality and mortality
along with my goodness and decency
and there goes my propensity
to give the tiniest bit of a shit
fuck your two cents, I want a dollar
though a million fucking dollars
won't give me back what I've lost
cut my losses, fuck what it cost
who's to say what his cost is
who's to know what I really felt
when I was dealt 
this shitty hand
I want him, here, to stand
while I belt out this last note
it's all that I wrote 
it's all that I know
it's pain so raw, so deep, so low
how far can it go
well, I don't really know
I don't really care much these days
for me, now, nothing fazes
don't even care anymore
that's the price that I've paid
to love so much - too much
to have more love for him than myself
that's what I get for loving I guess
believing his lies made me a mess
living a life filled with stress
I allowed him to take me away from me
he kept saying I don't trust him, you see
but I tried then I did and by trusting in him
he stole everything from me, my identity
not just metaphorically I mean it literally
took my check book - gave it to his piece of ass
I don't mean to sound crass
but that clitoris cannot mimic this
any cunt can suck a cock bitch
let's see how well you talk
or, in my shoes, even try to walk
with your enormous clown feet
you may, even, be good under the sheets
I doubt you're any better than me
I wonder, how well do you think?
can you get outside the box
no, not think outside the box
I mean (really) get yourself out of a box
I may be blonde, but this "Goldie Locks"
is crazy just like any fucking fox
you stupid irrelevant little twit
I bet you don't even have real tits
you probably have a real nice smile
I’m damn sure it gets a lot of miles
you left a lot of tracks and by that I mean clues
how pretty is your face when it's black and blue
you’ll have to come out of hiding soon
we'll see who's laughing at who
we'll see if you will, also, call the cops
or if his dick is still hard as rocks
at least I'd be doing my own time
it would be for my own crime
not for shit you did while pinning it on me
after you stole my money and identity
after beating your ass I'll gladly do time
remembering each day how much you cried
as you were begging me to stop
yelling, "please, someone call the cops"
hearing your nose snap right in two
as your blood instantly started to spew
you'll never take from someone else - get it?
no, you don't, but you will live to regret it
I will never let anyone take from me again
I will make you wish you had never "been" 

©September 2010 – Tamara Roberts (before Imes or Nicholas)
Edited August 2014 by Tamara Imes-Nicholas

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